Blessed Solstice - First Quarter Moon - Grand Conjunction
Today we hit an energetic cumulative point of 2020. Collectively & personally, the challenges we’ve faced, the work we’ve put in, & the lessons we’ve learned have not been in vain. Wrapping up this tremendously awakening & transformative year comes the cosmic alignment of the Jupiter Saturn conjunction on the winter solstice. This configuration completes a 20-year cycle, & paves the way for an emerging theme to arise. As these planets complete their transits through Capricorn, we’ve been pushed this year to rework & redefine our attachments to daily comforts, as well as material & worldly structures. Within this collective upheaval, the darker areas of self were brought to the surface, which naturally arises when we’re pushed into survival mode. Fear of the uncertainty & grief of all to which we’ve lost remained the collective theme. This led us to bring conscious awareness to the depths of these emotions, their roots within our subconscious, & discovering long-term attachments that created personal stagnancy & obstacles.
Conscious awareness of self is the new currency moving forward as Saturn & Jupiter align under 0 degrees Aquarius. All the lessons of 2020 that we’ve integrated moved us further into understanding & accepting ourselves in our entirety. Now it’s time to move forward while honoring & embodying our complete truth. As we shift into a new year, a new cycle, & a new era with an abundance of Aquarian energy we are no longer the ‘consumer’ of conditioned ideals & beliefs. Collectively as individuals, we are now harnessing our power as creator of both our realities & the collective reality. Following the true desires of our heart will lead us to realizing & aligning to our greatest potential to serve not only own selves, our own progression, & fulfillment, but also assist us understand how our unique talents can serve the collective & our community. The more space we create to understand & honor our unique selves, the more tolerance and understanding we hold for others. This principle will allow us to collectively honor the unique individuality of others & strive for equality on all spectrums.
With this powerful conjunction falling on the Solstice, we hold space for today to welcome in the longest night of the year, & symbolically integrate the shadow lessons & releasing shadows aspects of ourselves we have encountered throughout the year. In light of the sun beginning it’s progression to reclaim it’s reign over the darkness, we too are reclaiming our own light from all that hindered the access to our ultimate personal power.
Beautifully enough, all this energy is supported by the first Quarter moon in Pisces. With the Sun just entering Capricorn this morning, this is truly the day to begin formulating ideas & plans for the future. A First Quarter moon assists us organize our thoughts, desires, & ideals into a course of action. With this lunation falling in the sign of Pisces, the energy of the day calls for us to slowdown & envision. With the Sun in Capricorn & Moon in Pisces the work done today takes place on an internal level. Although our modern world conditions us to believe that assertion is success, sometimes the greatest progression is made within the internal realms. Utilize slow, restorative, rejuvenating practices such as journaling, meditation, yoga, breathwork, or quiet contemplation as a vehicle to honor your inner guidance.
May you utilize this significant day to shed light on lingering shadows, honor what feels right, remember what makes you divinely YOU, & most importantly listen to your highest self as it will guide you to embody your ultimate power.