Making way for a beautiful season of grounding transitions, we have interesting alignments and planetary transits that are leading the way. Throughout Taurus Season we will have Saturn and Uranus in a square aspect to each other, making for a great impact.
Currently, Saturn is residing in the sign of Aquarius; this give us a call to analyze our structures & the responsibilities we prioritize in order to decipher if they genuinely resonate with our truest selves. As Saturn sits in a square aspect to Uranus, it is Uranus’ mission to debunk all that is stifling our growth so we may begin moving beyond limiting influences. With Uranus settled in the sign of Taurus there is a specific highlight on our values & what we surround ourselves with.
The square between these two powerhouses of planets can arise sudden unexpected shifts or realizations of what is no longer working in our favor. The power of Saturn being in Aquarius during this time helps us navigate through shifting structures & personal surroundings with an innovative approach & easier access to a larger perspective.
As the Sun moves through Taurus and slowly makes its way into a closer alignment with Uranus, it won’t be traveling alone. Venus and Mercury are also transiting through the sign of Taurus along with the Sun. This will bring more power behind these much needed transitions.
As Venus travels through it’s ruling sign of Taurus, this will only reiterate the concentration we have towards our current values, as well as what we are wishing to attract into our lives, the relationships we keep around us, & most importantly the relationship we have with ourselves.
Mercury tagging alongside through Taurus is asking us to access the decisive mind in order to formulate what it is we truly stand for and what we're wishing to call forth. This is biggg stand in your truth energy and will only help us decipher and communicate what’s in the highest resonance to our beings; allowing us to express any repressed thoughts/emotions, pinpoint & release any self deprecating thought patterns, create loving boundaries if needed, or make way for any long overdue shifts/transitions/achievements.
Ask Yourself
Is what I'm choosing to keep myself surrounded by:
-Truly feeding me?
- Nurturing my growth?
- Making me feel genuinely fulfilled & supported?
It’s time to weed out the things that are no longer nourishing you and begin planting the seeds that will allow you to truly flourish.
Overall we’re welcoming a season of great empowerment & expansion! It’s time to make more room for the things, the people, & the activities that fuel you and make you feel nurtured, supported & fulfilled. It’s a time to be open to the transitions that may be unraveling for greater personal alignment, embodiment, & growth!
So here's to Taurus Season!
May you begin to blossom like the nature around you! <3