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Solstice New Moon Solar Eclipse- Total Reset

Writer's picture: Divine AbundanceDivine Abundance

Before you start reading, I invite you to close your eyes & take a deep breath. Notice the breath as it fills up your chest & heart center. Drop into a moment of serenity.

Now exhale & release all tension.

You've made it through a monumental Gemini season, filled with countless emotions, tension, & the rise of collective awakening. It only fits the monumental theme for this season to go out with a tremendous series of events. All within a weekend, a span of 24 hours, we will be receiving the Summer Solstice, a New Moon, and Solar Eclipse. The power within this synchronicity of events brings forth the birth of a New Age, a shift within humanity.

As the Sun reaches it's highest peek during the Solstice, it transits into the heart centered sign of Cancer. This season will bring fourth opportunities of aligning ourselves in compassion, internalized security, & releasing all that does not come from a place of love. A few hours later the Moon joins the Sun in it's New Moon phase. As both of these glorious celestial bodies unite, they will align for a Solar Eclipse at 0 degrees Cancer. An amplified amount of transformative energy is ignited through this transit. As New Moons bring in new intentions and Eclipses birth new cycles, the zero degrees of which this galactic alignment falls encompasses the energy of infinite possibilities.

This pivotal moment of 2020 allows us to dissolve & detoxify ourselves from the tension that has been accumulating within and around us. This year has posed multiple challenges for the collective, it's our time now to cleanse & rejuvenate ourselves within the nurturing energy of Cancer. As the Moon plays a dynamic role in it's darkest phase, the heavy embedded emotions we've gathered or subconsciously attached to are given the opportunity to ultimately be shed through the radiant rays of the Sun. Springing from this powerful experience will come a surge of reset & internal freedom.

With Retrograde Season in full swing we've been witnessing a massive unraveling of hidden truth on both an internal & external scale. With Mercury in Cancer joining retrograde season, the power to tune into the voice of the heart & intuition is strengthened. This Mercury retrograde is calling on to us resolve any internal obstacles that hinders us from validating our own voice, allowing us to reestablish compassion in our thoughts & words. This is a time to reflect on your external expression, & assess if it's coming from an authentic place of love & personal truth.

As we take a huge leap into this shift in humanity through this eclipse, the energy of Cancer directs our focus internally. Our external world has been continually demanding immense strength, courage, & perseverance from us. Under the Full Moon eclipse earlier this month, the collective was drained & exhausted, but still pushing forward to strive.

The time is now upon us to refill our cups, & to ask ourselves:

How can I nurture, honor, & meet my internal needs more consistently?

How can I be more compassionate & supportive towards my emotions & my inner voice?

How can I remain in a fortified internal place of love, protection, & strength while extending my energy outwardly?

Reflecting on these questions will bring you to a place of discovering personal security, by taking a moment to tune out of the external, drop into your heart space, & listen to the divine voice of your soul. Aligning with the voice within will help you gain the power to strip away the things in your life that are out of resonance to the soul. Therefore allowing the external reality to become a manifestation of internal alignment, thus trickling down into your immediate life & than expanding outwardly towards the collective reality. Remembering the more we connect & align to the vessels of love & divinity that we are, the more light we can shed on the evolution of humanity.

May you take this weekend to embrace the seasons of nature, the seasons of your own essence, & the grand season of which humanity is shifting. May you shed the weight of the past & put forth gratitude & loving intention to this new beginning.

All Love & Countless Blessing Always

Blessed Be,




Meet Marisa!

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My name’s Marisa! My deep love and connection to nature has brought me to tap into the Divine Abundance that surrounds us.

From an early age nature was my safe haven, whether it was marveling at the moon or frolicking through the forest in my grandparent’s back yard, I knew this earth bestowed more magic then we could easily fathom. As time went on, one thing became clear to me; ‘The deeper we connect, honor, & understand the world around us, the deeper we can connect, honor, & understand ourselves.

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