You might have heard of the Global Meditation taking place under this spectacular 4-4-2020 portal & monumental Astrological aspects happening this evening. Even if you haven't, I'm here to share more about this Astrological aspect & WHY this portal is so significant to utilize!
This is a portal to create MASS shift of Ascension & Liberation within humanity.
This portal is being unlocked by Jupiter and Pluto coming into an exact conjunction (direct alignment) in the sign of Capricorn.
The Pluto & Jupiter conjunction has been an aspect that has surfaced multiple times within history, that has defined revolutionary moments of freedom, the fight for justice, and the removal of oppression. A few examples in most recent history of this aspect were:
-The American Revolution
-The Abolishment of American Slavery
-The ending of The Great Depression
Now let me break down this significance.
Pluto is the planet that rules over the unseen, the things that are kept in the shadows, essentially all the issues we sweep under the rug that tend to go untouched. Pluto also rules over renewal, rebirth, & transformation, because naturally when we address the unseen, we awaken the opportunity of transforming into a new sense of clarity.
Jupiter, on the other hand, is the planet that rules truth seeking, the search for a clearer vision of reality. Jupiter also is heavily entangled in our ethical values & our power to expand by discovering the truth.
Do you see how these two planets could work hand in hand?
Now that these planets are coming together in the sign of Capricorn, their influences will reign over the areas of authority, law, government, societal structures, economy, etc.; since these are the areas of life associated with the archetype of Capricorn.
This aspect is not only happening this evening,
but will resurface THREE times this year!
Tonight on April 4th, June 30th, & November 12th,
creating a continual theme throughout the year.
What I found most interesting about this aspect is that, entangled in this conjunction is the asteroid; Pallas. This is a beautiful & interesting asteroid to be tagging along in this monumental aspect, as she will be intertwined with Jupiter & Pluto ALL year!
The asteroid Pallas, is also referred to as Pallas-Athene since it associated with the Greek mythological Goddess, Athena; The Warrior Goddess & Goddess of Wisdom. Now the mythology doesn't end there, Athena is the daughter of Zeus, who interestingly enough is associated with the planet Jupiter!! Coincidence? Well...there no coincidences in Astrology. Pallas is backing Jupiter up for an astonishing reason!
Pallas rules creative intelligence & reigns over the arts, political activism, & most importantly healing! This asteroid works with our creative visualization, our power to create our reality, & our responsibility over the conditions of our lives.
This asteroid Goddess also governs the balancing of the masculine & feminine polarities. Which is another huge 'WOW' factor. As most of us have come to observe, our society, as we know it, has been heavily influenced by the masculine polarity for centuries. This aspect here might just be the grand initiation of the feminine polarity rising to bestow it's healing grace on to humanity.
As we approach this leap & shift of consciousness, Pallas brings us a new awareness of how we perceive our reality, speaks to taking responsibilities for our actions, & gives us the strength to stand behind our ethical principles.
This monumental aspect happening in tonight's sky is truly an initiation into a new age, of Ascension & Liberation for humanity as a whole. So I welcome you to join thousands of people tonight (at 10:45 pm EDT- East Coast Time, please calculate to your own time zone) for a Global meditation & prayer to send out intentions of healing and light onto this world & out into the entire universe. The more energy sent out in unison, the stronger the energies potential to spark a healing shift throughout humanity. I will link information about this global meditation on my Social Media pages!
Again, Please join!
Even if "you don't know how to meditate", take a quiet moment to sit, pray, send wishes & intentions for the prosperity & healing of Mother Earth & to all of us who call her loving abundance, home.