Within the last week we've had a handful of extraordinary & pivotal aspects take place within our cosmos! From Mars joining Saturn in Aquarius, Venus entering Gemini, Jupiter & Pluto coming into a monumental conjunction, to Mars & Saturn squaring Uranus, all leading up to this profoundly glorious SUPER Full Moon in Libra! What a 'sky-full'!
'As Above, so Below', considering all that we're enduring here on planet Earth, it only makes sense that our celestial counterparts are just as active. In this energy reading I will briefly explain what I've found most important out of these aspects entangled in this Full Moon.
Let's start with Venus entering the sign of Gemini. This aspect stands out to me greatly for simple the fact that, Venus will remain in the sign of Gemini UNTIL AUGUST!! Venus typically transits a sign for a month! I find it no coincidence that the planet's have found it best suited for Venus to remain in Gemini for a good portion of the year.
Venus is often referred to the planet that rules over relationships, while this rings true, Venus also governs over our finances & values. Venus coming to rest in the light hearted, adaptable, curious, & observant energy of Gemini seems like a very supportive aspect for us to have while we manoeuvre through these current challenges. As our society goes through these unforeseen circumstances, flexible Gemini will help us navigate through these obstacles. Giving us the power to detach from systems, we've so longley valued, that are no longer working for us, in light of exploring new ways to replace them with more efficient & innovative ways of living. This begins to solidify under the Full Moon, as Venus in Gemini makes a Trine aspect to Saturn in Aquarius. As Saturn rules our structures, responsibilities, & our lives foundations, under the Aquarian influences we may begin to see reformative, inventive, & progressive actions being taken on these areas of our lives.
Not only is Venus in a Trine aspect to Saturn, it is also Trine with Mars under this Full Moon. This aspect alone will help us in our daily lives, as Gemini in Venus will give us the desire to experiments more, try new things, and adapt to the current situation at hand. This is truly the time to take up new hobbies, create new innovative tools & ways to spend your time. Take on those ideas that have been lingering in your mind & bring them to life!
In the upcoming months, Venus in Gemini will truly be of service to us as our heightened desire to be curious & observant of how the world is progressing. Assisting us digest & question what shadows are being dug up from the Pluto/Jupiter conjunction, as I addressed in my previous blog post.
Moving on briefly to a more challenging aspect is Mars & Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus. A square aspect usually creates tension between two planet's influences. As such, this aspect might lead to frustration, defeat & abrupt anger towards unseen changes. While this may be a challenging aspect primarily, I recognize the space of potential balance & development when working through it. Uranus rules unpredictable situations arising that stimulate growth through previous limitation. When in a tense aspect with Mars, a very active & forward moving planet, it's inevitable that when an unexpected hiccup arises in our plans, the feelings of anger, disappointment, & possibly backwards movement prevails. Like wise, when Uranus is in a tense aspect with Saturn, we can predict unexpected blows in our current life structures, that will resulting in feelings of lack of security. This is where you need to tap into surrender, personal compassion, & daily grounding routines. Luckily we have plenty other aspects in our sky, like Venus in Gemini, that can assist with just this. With Mars & Saturn in Innovative Aquarius, we have the power to take a step back, analyze the situation, develop new plans, and reform the systems in our lives to work more efficiently.
Now for the potential behind the gorgeous
This Libra Full Moon will feel like the breath of fresh air we all needed! Libra, the fellow Air sign to Gemini & Aquarius, brings harmony, balance, compassion, & perspective to our focus. The last few weeks we've been caught up in the 'now what's' & the 'what if's', the Full Moon in Libra can instill within us a calm to just BE, to gain perspective outside of the anxious mind, & remember we're all in this together.
We're being reminded to slow down & give ourselves a pat on the back; you're doing the best you possibly can. We may not always control what life brings, but we can always take a step back into our own compassion, & remind ourselves we have the power to grow through what we go through.
Through Aries season, we're influenced to harness our internal power, strength, & perseverance. Some of us may have been fortunate enough to harness that internal energy through these unprecedented times. Under this Libra Full Moon is now a time to allow that internal flame of perseverance & compassion to shine on to loved ones & neighbors that need it the most. Stay grounded in that flame, ask yourself daily 'How can I be in service to others', & include that in your daily routine.
The strong Air influences we have in our sky at the moment make us crave connection, so allow that to be your helping tool to others. Physical connection may not be ideal, but the innovations of today's world still makes it completely possible. Pick up the phone and connect with another individual daily, create coffee dates or paint nights with a friend/friends in need over video call, the tools are at our fingertips! Even if you're not keen on technology, send care packages, drop off homemade treats, goodies, crafts, or plants to your neighbors & loved ones. Giving & caring for others goes unmatched when it comes to lifting your own spirits! Allow that to be your guide.
The influences of this powerful Super Full Moon will linger with us for a few weeks, so utilize this energy to spread your compassion to others, as well as harness the balance & harmony in your own life. Redecorate, organize & cleanse your space; instill a new fresh harmonious flow within the space around you! Or take a few quiet moments to yourself a day, to sit without distractions, breath, pray, meditate, feel what you need to, & list 5 things you're grateful for. Creating harmony within is how you can trickle your inner light out to the rest of the world!
Wishing you all a blessed Full Moon experience! May you live with peace in your mind & peace in your hearts.