Hello All!
I'm so excited to be back sharing Astrology readings!
This time around I've decided not to only share a reading, but also throw in a little ritual magic!
Current times have been quite chaotic, the need of prayer, protection, grounding, & spiritual medicine have become vital to maintain mental, emotional, and energetic well-being. This couldn't be a better time to share a little cosmic clarity as well as meditation & ritual to take the edge off our lives & our world's current circumstances.
New Moon In Aries Reading
Below I have an Astrology Reading for the New Moon in Aries, in a podcast like format. I experimented with different formats to share this reading & found this one would be the most suitable. Because let's be honest, who wants to sit and watch someone speak for more that 5 minutes? (I for one, the Gemini queen of ADD, can attest that I wouldn't!) So here's an easy to listen to reading I've put together, just simply place this to the side while you work on a project, make a cup of tea, or give some lovin' to your adorable pet!
**Please note, I'm aware the word 'uhm' was used often, as well as weird pronunciations, wrong words being used, etc.
My throat chakra is currently going through an huge awakening, shaking off a lifetime of anxiety & a very timid demeanor, please be kind (: **
New Moon Meditation & Ritual
Below I've put together a New Moon ritual to invoke gratitude, love, & protection. Together we will open sacred space, practice a bit of breath work, meditate, and create two lists; one to release & one to keep.
For this ritual you will need:
A Candle
Sage or Palo Santo
Two Pieces of Paper & Pen
A Comfortable, Quiet Space
Remember this a ritual for you! Create a space that is comfortable to your liking, include your favorite candles, crystals, flowers, statues, blankets, pillows, ANYTHING you desire!
Before we begin, if you are unfamiliar with the breath work practice of 'Alternate Nostril Breathing' or 'Nadi Shodana' please take a moment to watch this video linked below, as this will share the proper breath work technique.
Once you are ready, I welcome you to join this
New Moon Meditation & Ritual.
I hope you enjoyed the medicine I shared with your today.
May you go forward today with peace & love in your hearts, minds, & in your words.
Many blessings!