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Writer's pictureDivine Abundance

Embrace The Change - Sagittarius New Moon Reading

Happy New Moon in Sagittarius!

We have many important alignments with this New Moon Transit, calling us to keep an open mind to what the universe is unfolding for us. We've had a very tense Scorpio Season that put some of us through the MOST, but now it's time to surrender, put trust into what the universe has in store, & move forward.

With the Sun & Moon both in the sign of Sagittarius, we now have the opportunity to see the bigger picture. During Scorpio season we were so fixated on all the suppressed emotions & frustrations coming to light, leaving many of us feeling overcome by a complete funk. But Sagittarius season has finally come to bring us a surge of much needed optimistic energy!

With the Sun entering the fiery, fun loving sign of Sagittarius that started off this past weekend, we may have experience the feeling of just wanting to let go! To shake off the stagnancy of these heavy emotions & to keep on pushing ahead! Not only did the Sun make an important transition, but Venus & Jupiter came into a gorgeous conjunction in Sagittarius on Sunday, which allowed us to get a deeper understanding of our inner values & internal truths. This transit gave us an opportunity to receive revelations on how & where we need to make adjustments in our lives, to provoke further growth & expansion.

On the day of the New Moon in Sagittarius we still have an opposition between these two strong Taurus & Scorpio energies. Dealing with such strong minded fixed energies in opposition to each other has been TOUGH. With Mars in Scorpio opposing Uranus retrograde in Taurus, we may be holding a reluctance to change, solely because it's frustrating! Some individuals may not take on changes very easily, resulting in irritability & short tempers when having to deal with or having a lack of power over the challenges. Other's on the other hand, may be motivated to start propelling themselves forward, but may be at a loss of direction or second guessing themselves. Having this strong fixed aspect lingering can have individuals feeling stuck & overwhelmed over how to get through these tough obstacles. But Uranus in retrograde will NOT allow us to get too comfortable with our dead end patterns. For those who are struggling to initiate change in their life, Uranus will find a way to show you exactly why we must put these stagnant behaviors to rest.

However, this optimistic, open minded, risk taking Sagittarius energy is up for the challenge of creating innovative ways to make the adjustments we need in our lives & forming new patterns for ourselves. This transit helps us remember that we're working not only towards a greater purpose, but our higher purpose. This year's trials have led us through a lot of personal growth. Now it's time to utilize the understanding & knowledge we've acquired to create healthier routines, & lifestyles that agree with the goals we wish to accomplish. This mutable fire sign's energy will allow us to embrace the challenges, surrender your need to be in control, & take the ebb & flows of life with great faith. For what we are working towards is much greater than we can begin to envision.

If you're having a difficult time, feeling stuck or frustrated in your current situations, this Sagittarius New Moon will be perfect for you to set intentions.

Ask yourself these questions:

-What outcomes do you wish to occur from these situations?

-How or what changes need to be made, in order to allow these outcomes to manifest?

Remember, if you've been in a rut & feel as if you took a few steps backwards, try not to guilt yourself for sorting through your emotions. It's extremely important to be compassionate with yourself when your mental & emotional body need to take a step back, repair, & regroup.

May you all have a blessed New Moon experience & utilize this energy to it's highest potential!

Many blessings,




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